Monday, March 10, 2014


So I've fixed the tangency of my model so far. The textures still need refining but I figure I should finish modeling and texturing all the trees and foliage before I go back to refine them.

My first attempt at a palm tree was a bit humorous, it looked like a pineapple tree. Needless to say, it wasn't working out well for my environment. This was when I forgot how important references were.

After looking up some references on "jungle and tropical trees" this is what I have came up with so far: a gray type bark texture for the palm trees and a darker wood bark for the smaller leafier trees. I realized I should prehaps invest in a botany book or something so I can actually look up the names of these trees for better references.

It seems that blogspot has super washed out my texture for some reason, but in photoshop the textures are a lot darker o_o. The brown bark texture is tiling pretty nicely in maya, but the gray bark has some obvious tiling issues. Still need to tweak them.

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