Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Did the sci fi generator to go with my baby incubator. Wish I had more time to paint it, the huge pipe on the side needs to be defined a bit more D: The color balance on my monitor is also messing with me ahhhhhh.

Edit: with more shiny-ness

Friday, November 22, 2013

Avocados and Gradient maps

So I decided to practice with a gray scale and mess around with gradient maps today. Here is the original google image:

Here is my gray scale version: 

Here is the gray scale with the gradient maps: 

I need more work with textures and highlights, but I am going to call this done for now.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Just a quick apple paint study.

Second painted prop

One of my second props this semester. It wasn't until this painting that I realized that my monitor was extremely off in color. My painting is still a bit weak. I need to execute the materials better.

Learning how to paint...

This was my first rendered prop for this semester.

This second render was from the instructor's critique. It gave more of a warm feel that one would usually associate with a lantern. I must learn to be bold sometimes when painting and try to achieve the storytelling of the prop.